It’s been a while since we’ve updated our blog, and we apologize for that. However, it’s been for a good reason – things have been getting out of control in the best possible way!
I take pride in having a nose for talent. With over 15 years of experience in the art field, – I have been an art consultant and sold paintings-, I know exactly what galleries, artists, and customers are looking for.
Thanks to this talent, I’ve been able to build up a strong portfolio of amazing artists, and a great database of fun and eclectic galleries. With one great match after another, things have been rolling smoothly. But, in the midst of all this success, our blog was left in the corner looking miserable.
We’re happy to announce that things have changed. Since the beginning of 2023, Leo Berber has expanded, and we now work as a team. Sarah has joined us from Italy. This collaboration has brought together even more experience, creativity, and extra hands to keep our digital footprint fresh and clean.
We’re excited to invite you to visit our blog from time to time. Here, you’ll find interesting international art news and art-related curiosities. We’re confident that our team’s combined knowledge and passion for the arts will bring you informative and inspiring content.
We appreciate your patience during our hiatus, and we’re eager to share our passion for the arts with you once again. Thank you for your continued support, and we hope to see you on our blog soon!

New Colabs in 2023
We have been happily working together with some of our artists from the very beginning of Leo Berber. It is great to hear their excitement when they get introduced to a new country, or a gallery on a dream location.
But we also realize it is important to have a diverse offer. Therefore, we are always on the look-out for new talent, keeping in mind our main criteria: consistent high quality standards for art with a crunch. In other words: we only represent eclectic and audacious artists!